“Our Kids, Our School, Our $$$$$….”

Please welcome our newest author…..

paper_hawaii_petition“OUR KIDS, OUR SCHOOL, OUR $$$$$” by Dannette-Moody Kay

A few weeks ago I decided to speak up (along with my husband) about the pending issues of consolidation between Katahdin schools and SACHS.

After everything I have researched about the pros and cons of consolidation, we firmly believe that moving our children from their own community to another, would certainly not be in their best interest. This consolidation does not benefit anyone, except perhaps administration. Certainly our tax dollars will be stretched even thinner! Consolidation costs, has cost, will cost! Maybe if the board were serious about savings, they would not be pushing for a new school and would not already have taken closing both of our schools, “off the table’!!
The good people of our communities, Sherman, Patten, Moro, Mt. Chase, Silver Ridge, and Benedicta have a right to speak up, our kids, our school, our money.

Why is there so much intimidation? The very first amendment of our constitution is still firmly in place, (“The Freedom of Speech”)
Our communities have come together, starting with getting signatures on petitions, with the “intent to withdraw”, from RSU 50. We are all working together to do what is in the best interest of our kids, our school,our $$!!
Withdrawal is a lengthy process, but if we all do this together, things will go along much more smoothly. We will also be supported by Rep. Rick Long as well as our senator and other reps.
If a change “must” happen we need to keep our kids on this side of the district!
We have waited a very long time to view the facilitators report, regarding the condition of our school buildings. How much money are we looking at in repairs? I can’t begin to understand after all or this time, why that public report is not released to the public!
The school board will go over these results in a special meeting, on Feb.4,2015, at 6:30pm, at KES with the public, please try to be there.
Also, the next scheduled school board meeting is on Feb. 9th, at 6:30pm, also at KES. This will be a great opportunity to voice our plans and any concerns we have to the board. Its very important that the Superintendent as well as the board realize that we all mean business and will not back down!
I have been made aware that staff members have been made to feel uncomfortable…. Faculty and staff are NOT to be held responsible or face retaliation in any form for community efforts to withdraw from this RSU!!! To threaten employment status in any way is not only unethical, but illegal!!
Rep. Rick Long is working on setting up a public meeting with officials from Augusta, we will post this information as soon as it has been set up. Write your questions down, as these are the folks who work for us and our children.
We have great communities right at our fingertips, supermarkets,churches, a pharmacy, hardware store, health care facilities, as well as several auto repair blds. Our community is an appealing place for people who may have an interest in moving here. People with children will not won’t to send their kids to a school so far away! We need our school, in our district! Lets fix the outside, and focus on the real concern, education!!
If you have not signed a petition in the towns of Sherman, Patten, Moro, and Stacyville and would like to do so , please either PM me or call 528-2266, and I will tell you who you can reach to sign, “the intent to withdraw”.
Thank you all for the support and hard work you are all putting into this process!

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