“The Savage Breast”

violin puppies..as in “Music hath charm to soothe the savage breast to soften rock, or bend a knotted oak.” William Congreve Last night’s school board meeting could have done with the addition of music to soothe the “..savage breast..” of the RSU #50 Board.

An attendee reports the resignation of Katahdin’s music teacher.. ..that the Board does not intend to replace. They opted not to fill the position of the retired music teacher either leaving Katahdin’s children without and taxpayer dollars flowing into such asinine things as an expensive assistant principal.

I hope we are mistaken and the full complement of music faculty will be restored after all – it can be done with a fraction of the money these people are spending on a.. What? Yes, an Assistant Principal. Parents and communities are the ultimate authority here, if they choose to exercise it.

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