Another Agenda Adjustment

The following was forwarded from the RSU 50 Central Office noting more changes to the Board meeting and subsequent vote to close Katahdin.



Please attend very closely to this message.
Due to the potential for the weather to be an issue at the end of our meeting tomorrow evening, and the board needing to get regular business accomplished, we will hold our executive session, audit report, bid opening, and other general items starting at our regularly scheduled time of 5:30. Secondly, the board chair and I along with a majority of the board, recommend that an adjustment to the agenda should be made to move the discussion and potential vote on consolidation options to another date and time. I suggest the date and time to be Thursday, January 21, at 6:00 at the Katahdin Elementary School.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience this will cause anyone as we work to get all of our business done. We would hope to move the boy’s basketball game to 4:00 on the 21st to accommodate parents wanting to attend both events.
Mike Hammer

Interim Superintendent
RSU 50
207-757-8223 (O)
207-944-7751 (C)

2 responses to “Another Agenda Adjustment

  1. Not another conspiracy, LOL!


  2. TONIGHT: Executive Session @ 5:30 p.m., local subcommittee meeting @ 6, and the regular school board business meeting beginning @ 6:30.

    Procedurally speaking, the Board will have to remove the consolidation item(s) from tonight’s agenda and take an official vote on the relocation, etc.

    All board members, with the exception of two, were contacted yesterday…they are all in agreement to relocate the consolidation presentation / vote to close KMHS, to Stacyville on the 21st of January due to the impending snow storm.


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